I Made a Website!!!

The past two weeks have been crazy!!! I’m often a little shocked at how quickly we move in my programming school. It’s been almost three months and we have already built multiple projects from the ground up.

We started with a bunch of back-end projects that weren’t very fun to share because they weren’t visually gratifying. I mean, they worked; but when all you get for your hard work is a string that says “#<Order:0x007feec15c95d8>” and you’re stuck trying to explain to your non-tech friends how you swear it means something!

But we’re finally at the point where we’re making things that other people can see! I think it started with a database site we made about farmers markets, followed by my media ranker, but it all culminated in a project that took twice as long and 2-4 times as many people….bEtsy! Or, the one my team built, Not Yetsy! Holy cow was this one a doozy!


In other news, I’m having a little bit of an internal struggle when it comes to this blog. When I started it I really wanted to just connect with people. It’s the only way I like to do life. I’ve always felt like I enjoy watching videos much more than reading and have made more connections via YouTube than here. I also feel like it’s easier for me to be more myself in videos than worrying that a joke doesn’t come across as well on paper. I’m starting to wonder if I should make a more definite switch over. Just thinking “out loud” 😊

I hope you have a great Monday and a Happy Halloween! Here’s a picture of me as a mermaid accidentally cutting off Ned Stark’s head…

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